des 6, 2018 | Erfðablöndun
Samkvæmt þessari frétt sem var að birtast á vef Iceland Review hefur MATÍS staðfest að laxar sem voru fangaðir í Fífustaðadalsá við Arnarfjörður nú í haust eru eldislaxar. Þetta voru tvær hrygnur sem voru að því komnar að hrygna. Jóhannes Sturlaugsson líffræðingur...
sep 7, 2018 | Sjálfbærni og neytendur
This is a huge moment in the fight against salmon farming in open sea pens in Icelandic waters. Fourteen chefs have quit the Icelandic National Culinary Team in protest over a sponsorship deal the National Chef’s Club made with a salmon farming company Arnarlax....
sep 7, 2018 | Sjálfbærni og neytendur
This story is developing fast here in Iceland. Here is an update in the English language Iceland Magazine: „The National Chef’s Club has cancelled a controversial sponsorship deal with the salmon farming company Arnarlax. Fourteen of the seventeen members...
júl 25, 2018 | Eftirlit og aðstæður í sjókvíaeldi
Margháttaðar hremmingar Arnarlax, fiskidauði, eitranir gegn laxalús, götóttar kvíar, taprekstur, alvarlegar athugasemdir vottunarfyrirtækisins ASC og fleira eru til umfjöllunar á þessum alþjóðlega fagmiðli. „SalMar-backed Icelandic salmon farmer Arnarlax is...
jún 30, 2017 | Vernd villtra laxastofna
The newly founded Icelandic Wildlife Fund (IWF) is fighting for the preservation of Icelandic wildlife and nature, especially in fjords and rivers which are threatened by industrial-scale salmon farming in sea cages. Farmed salmon has a different genetic make-up than...