Margháttaðar hremmingar Arnarlax, fiskidauði, eitranir gegn laxalús, götóttar kvíar, taprekstur, alvarlegar athugasemdir vottunarfyrirtækisins ASC og fleira eru til umfjöllunar á þessum alþjóðlega fagmiðli.

“SalMar-backed Icelandic salmon farmer Arnarlax is facing a tough time in the country’s media, with reports of sea lice treatments, escapes and not meeting Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) requirements doing the rounds in June and July.

This comes after the firm estimated mortalities in 2018 could reach 1,500 metric tons — or roughly 10% of total production — and first-quarter operating earnings fell to a loss of NOK 40 million.

On July 6 Arnarlax found two holes in the netting of one of its pens, each a meter across, it said. The salmon in the pen weighed around 3.5 kilograms each.”