Forsvarsmenn hins norska sjókvíaeldisfyrirtækis Nova Austral hafa játað að hafa skipað starfsfólki sínu að gefa eftirlitsstofnunum í Chile rangar upplýsingar úr innra eftirliti fyrirtækisins. Fyrirtækið á yfir höfði sér háa sekt og missir möglega starfsleyfi sín.

Samkvæmt frétt SalmonBusiness:

„After a 14-day investigation, Sernapesca issues fine and three formal complaints to Norwegian-owned salmon farmer.

In a press release on Tuesday evening, Nova Austral embroiled in the “Salmon Leaks” scandal in Chile has admitted that it has identified occasions of misreported mortalities to Sernapesca over the last production cycle.

The salmon farmer had been under the spotlight after an investigative piece by the news site El Mostrador that alleged that Nova Austral’s area managers were given instructions are given to manipulate salmon mortality statistics presented to the auditing authority (SIFA).

On Friday, Chile’s National Service of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Sernapesca) decided to suspend Nova Austral’s antibiotic-free certification during the course of its investigation

The company is now facing fines up to EUR 190.5 thousand and the suspension of its operations.“