Það er víða barist fyrir verndun lífríksins og villtu laxastofnanna sem eiga undir högg að sækja vegna skefjalausrar ágengni sjókvíaeldisfyrirtækja.

Mikael Frödin deilir eftirfarandi stöðuuppfærslu á Facebook. Málsmeðferð í dómsmáli fiskeldisfyrirtækisins Grieg gegn Frödin er lokið en hann bíður nú niðurstöðu dómsins:

„I am exhausted but satisfied with all so far. They say the Alta court never seen this many people. It was very good to feel the great support but also good that I was given room to say what I wanted, to explain how urgent this matter is. – We can’t lose the wild salmon stocks on the fish farming altar! I am being asked if I won, the court will give the sentence next week, but the simple answer is that we have not won until the industry is moved into closed sustainable systems. Keep fighting for healthy ecosystems and wild strong fish!“