Áfram heldur sú markvissa þróun að ala lax í eldisstöðvum á landi á því markaðssvæði þar sem á að selja afurðirnar. Ný slík landeldisstöð mun rísa skammt frá Moskvu og mun framleiða 2.500 tonn á ári. Eigendur hennar undirbúa jafnframt byggingu annarrar stöðvar sem mun framleiða 5.000 tonn árlega.

Sjá umfjöllun SalmonBusiness um þetta fyrirtæki:

„The new site, which will be erected on an area over two hectares, is the first of its kind in Russia, writes the Vologda Region newspaper.

“The total volume of tanks will be 17,000 cubic meters, and the depth of the biofilter – nine meters. This is practically the height of a three-story house. The diameter of the pool is comparable to the length of a volleyball court – 18 meters. Each month, more than 50,000 fry will be stored in tanks,” said Alexander Churkin.

“The fish will be produced without antibiotics and hormones,” he added.“