Heimafólk á Arran eyju við norðaustur Skotland og náttúruverndarsinnar tóku höndum saman í bókstafslegri merkingu i mótmælum gegn því að sjókvíaeldisstöð komi á þetta fallega svæði. Fólkið óttast réttilega að stöðin muni skaða ferðamennsku og umhverfið.

Skv. The Sunday Post

„Around 200 people turned up to create the chain on Sunday in protest against the Scottish Salmon Company’s proposal to create a new large-scale farm in one of Scotland’s protected National Scenic Areas.

According to local environmentalists, sewage and waste from the farm would cause “significant harm,” to wildlife and the surrounding eco-system.

Many locals also believe the farm would harm tourism on the island, with much of its marketing based around pristine waters, unique wildlife and a clean environment.

The Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST), a local marine environment group who supported Sunday’s demonstration, has been campaigning against the farm since proposals were first brought forward last year.

“We see no sustainable economic value coming to Arran, only long term damage to our environment and reputation and therefore our tourist industry and our businesses,”  said Paul Chandler, executive director of COAST.

“This farm will put untreated waste continually into the waters equivalent to a town the size of Troon; killing the seabed and damaging our wildlife.“