Við hvetjum fólk til að kaupa ekki lax sem hefur verið alinn í opnum sjókvíum. Þetta er ömurleg aðferð við matvælaframleiðslu þar sem mögulegur hagnaður vegur þyngra en velferð eldisdýranna. Skv. frétt Oceanographic Magazine hafa minnst 200.000 laxar drepist í stórslysi Cermaq í Kanada:

More than 200,000 salmon have died at a fish farm belonging to Cermaq, a company owned by Mitsubishi that produces farmed Atlantic salmon in Clayoquot Sound. The mass die-off has spread to four other farms in the area.

On November 15th, Cermaq announced a minor mortality event that was due to a supposed algal bloom, after members of activist group Clayoquot Action reported numerous trucks  leaving the Cermaq facilities at night carrying dead fish. …

Clayquot Action stated that the discoloured effluent streaming from the pens is due to the fact that the dead fish are rotting, so the decaying fat and flesh is starting to flow out of the open net pens and into the inlet. Cermaq has disputed this, stating that it’s due to a combination of factors, including sea foam, decaying algae and land runoff.