Patagonia vekur athygli á nýju lagi Bjarkar og baráttu hennar fyrir náttúruvernd:
Today, two music titans have used their voices for the good of Icelandic wildlife. Oral, the new single from Björk and Rosalía, will channel its profits towards the fight to stop open net salmon farms in Iceland. This harmful farming method is driving wild salmon to extinction, polluting Iceland’s pristine coasts and mistreating the farmed animals.
It’s a cause that’s close to our hearts, and one we’ve campaigned against since our 2019 documentary Artifishal highlighted the threats facing wild salmon. Patagonia has been working to protect wild rivers and wild fish for over 50 years—we were founded by an avid fly fisherman—and we’re proud of all our connections to the fish world, from our fly fishing products to the millions of dollars in grants we’ve given to local groups working on these issues.