Eins og hefur komið fram í fréttum innanlands er unnið að stórfelldri uppbyggingu á laxeldi á landi í Ölfusi við Þorlákshöfn á á Reykjanesskaga, þar sem er nú þegar umfangsmikið landeldi á laxfiskum.
Þessi umskipti verða ekki stöðvuð. Hafið er brotthvarf frá opnu sjókvíaeldi – aðferð sem skaðar náttúruna og lífríkið varanlega – yfir í landeldi þar sem skólp er ekki losað óhreinsað í umhverfið og tryggt að fiskur sleppi ekki.
Hér á landi er hins vegar raunveruleg hætta á að við sitjum uppi með sjókvíaeldi í opnum netapokum, sem er úrelt og skaðleg tækni, í mörg ár enn.
Stöðva þarf útgáfu leyfa fyrir sjókvíaeldi þegar í stað. Óboðlegt er að þessi fyrirtæki láti umhverfið og lífríkið niðurgreiða starfsemi sína þegar liggur fyrir að hægt er að framleiða sömu vöru án þess að skaða náttúruna.
An entirely new sector is emerging. A sector that will raise salmon on land.
2.5 million tonnes SalmonBusiness has brought to light 109 different companies with far-reaching plans to farm salmon on land. The plans are to be realised in 21 different countries. These have a total theoretical production capacity of 2.5 million tonnes. In comparison, the world’s salmon production, from cages in the sea, is 2.7 million tonnes in 2021.
Not all onshore facilities will be realized, primarily due to lack of funding, but many of them will be.
And in the same way as at sea, there are no nations that want to produce more salmon on land than Norway. Just under one million tonnes are planned in the country.
Area battle These facilities will not be listed without a dispute.
Critical voices claim that the struggle to secure land for the large land-based fish farms will combine with local opposition to wind turbines.
Capital Production of salmon on land is both capital and energy intensive. Excellent for the market for both debt and equity. Especially the latter. The banks have, with the support of their own risk assessments, taken a wait-and-see attitude.
The big capital has long since signed up. On the Oslo Stock Exchange alone are seven different companies are listed that operate salmon farms on land. And there are more knocking at the door, eager to enter.
Admittedly, it should be immediately added that not all of these have risen in value.
Source: Infront
Danish exercise The production technologies, sea cages versus salmon factories on land, are vastly different. And with that, a completely new supplier industry is also growing together with the new breeders. This was visible at this year’s AquaNor trade fair, where a rich array of manufacturers of vessels, pipes, pumps and gaskets were all in place to promote their products.
Many of them had Danish passports. After developing land-based farming over several decades, Danish engineers are now in the middle of their commercial breakthrough.
There is room for more. In a market characterized by strong growth in demand, at the same time as the authorities are lukewarm about growth in coastal farming in open cages, consumers are opening their wallets to get their sushi.
And they won’t necessarily be asking if the salmon has swum in the sea or if it has grown up in a factory.