Gríðarlegur dauði eldisdýra og eyðilegging á villtri náttúru og lífríki er óhjákvæmilegur hluti af sjókvíaeldi.
Þetta er óboðleg aðferð við matvælaframleiðslu.
Fjallað var um málið í fagmiðlinum Intrafish (áskriftar krafist).
„Norway-based salmon farmer Leroy has lost nearly two million smolt at its Leroy Sjotroll Kjaerelva facility in western Norway.
„We lost close to 1.9 million smolt that were due to be transferred to sea in December this year and March 2024,“ Leroy Sjotroll Managing Director Morten Fjaereide told IntraFish.
The incident occurred in early October.
Our focus now is to deal with the acute situation and work to find the cause of the incident, he said.
In terms of production, the company is able to replace the lost smolt from other plants in the value chain, Fjaereid said.“