Fjögur ár eru nú liðin frá því umhverfisdómstóll í Svíþjóð fyrirskipaði lokun á sjókvíaeldisstöðvum og lagði bann við starfseminni af umhverfisástæðum.
Samkvæmt umfjöllun Salmon Business eru framkvæmdir við þessa landeldisstöð á góðu skriði.
Áform eru um að framleiða þar 10.0000 tonn af laxi á ári. Húsið á að vera 58,000 fermetrar að stærð og verður stærsta (og enn sem komið er eina) landeldisstöð fyrir lax í Svíþjóð.
Premium Svensk Lax aiming for 10,000 tonne-a-year capacity.
In a press release, Premium Svensk Lax writes that it has signed an agreement with LLENTAB Group for the detailed design of a steel building for the land-based ZWC RAS facility and processing plant in Säffle, Värmland.

The building is 58,800 square meters and will be the largest and only land-based salmon farm in Sweden.
LLENTAB Group has built several land-based fish farms in Norway and has worked closely with Premium Svensk Lax on the project in Säffle from an early stage.
“All parties are very satisfied with the cooperation and look forward to starting this project in Värmland,” wrote Premium Svensk Lax.
In August 2020, Premium Svensk Lax received official approval for the facility in Värmland and NRC Group Sweden has started the groundwork. The ZWC RAS technology is provided by AKVA Group. LLENTAB Group will design and build the steel building. To secure competence in this project, both LLENTAB Norway and LLENTAB Sweden will collaborate.
The material will be produced by LLENTAB Sweden, expected start-up is in November 2021.