Stórt sleppislys varð í kjölfar eldsvoða hjá norska eldisrisanum Mowi við vesturströnd Kanada. Spurningin í sjókvíaeldinu er alls staðar sú sama: ekki hvort, heldur hvenær munu netapokarnir bresta.

Eðlilega vill ríkisstjórn Trudeau losna við þessa starfsemi úr sjónum sem fyrst. Síðasta sjókvíin á að vera farin upp ekki síðar en 2025.

Í frétt GlobalNews segir m.a.:

Thousands of farmed Atlantic salmon have escaped their pen at a Vancouver Island fish farm and entered the waters after a damaging fire, the company confirms.

Roughly 21,000 fish were inside the pen at the Robertson Island farm near Port Hardy when the fire broke out sometime overnight between Thursday and Friday, Mowi Canada West said in a statement.

Tavish Campbell, a freelance videographer who captured images of the pen from a helicopter Saturday, said the damage is significant.

“One pen was half sunken and just a wash, and a number of birds were crowded around and feeding on something, likely an escaped salmon,” he said.“