Samkvæmt nýrri skýrslu frá þessari opinberu norsku vísindastofnun er stærsti háski villtra laxastofna laxeldi í sjókvíum. Þaðan sleppur ekki aðeins fiskur heldur streymir líka laxalús og ýmsar sýkingar úr kvíunum. Allt eru þetta þættir sem hafa verulega neikvæð áhrif á stofnstærð villtra laxa í norskum ám.

Skv umfjöllun Norsk Institutt for naturforskning:

„The abundance of wild Atlantic salmon has declined. The number returning from the ocean to Norway each year is now less than half of the level thirty years ago. In 2017, about 530 000 salmon were estimated to return, which was an increase from 2016, but still on a low level. The declined abundance has reduced, and in some cases eliminated, the harvestable surplus available for fisheries.

… Escaped farmed salmon, salmon lice and infections from salmon farming are the greatest anthropogenic threats to Norwegian wild salmon.“