Íbúar Skotlands eru að vakna upp við vondan draum. Í þessari frétt er meðal annars bent á hversu öfugsnúið það er að mengun frá sjókvíum fær að streyma beint í sjóinn á sama tíma og mjög ströng lög gilda um hvað má fara í sjó af skólpi sem verður til á landi.

Skv. frétt The Herald:

„Dr Richard Luxmoore, senior nature conservation adviser at the National Trust for Scotland, said a moderately-sized farm dumped the same amount of sewage as a town twice the size of Oban.

It comes as a string of experts warned salmon farming was having a deadly impact on the environment.

Dr Luxmoore said fish farms were pumping “huge quantities” of organic waste into the sea, making up around 80 per cent of all sewage.

He told a Holyrood committee: “A single fish farm, which currently has a maximum size at the moment of 2,500 tonnes, produces the sewage equivalent of a town twice the size of Oban.

“So if you added up all of the towns on the west coast, virtually, they are producing the same amount of sewage as one fish farm – a moderately large fish farm.“