Blaðamaður frá The Guardian heimsótti Ísland í síðustu viku til að taka stöðuna hér. Auðvitað sá hann það sem blasir við, stófellt opið í sjókvíaeldi ógnar villtum laxastofnum landsins. Það er sama niðurstaða og allir hlutlausir aðilar komast að.

“A five-fold expansion in open net fish farms that scientists believe could decimate Iceland’s wild salmon stocks is pitting Big Aquaculture against ecologists in the country.

… scientists say that they are under pressure from the industry to play down their findings. The Guardian has seen evidence of targeted pressure against Icelandic environmental scientists, although a fear of reprisal prevents many from speaking out. One scientist said: “I felt that I had to be careful because everything I said would be scrutinised for its potential to benefit industry.”