Support The Icelandic Wildlife Fund
You can join the The Icelandic Wildlife Fund (IWF) by paying the annual membership fee of 4,900 ISK (approx. 40 USD/36 EUR/31 GBP). You can also choose the amount of your donation or alternatively make an automatic monthly payment with credit card, beginning at 1,500 ISK (approx 12 USD/11 EUR/9 GBP) . See the different options here below.
The IWF raises money to be used to fund projects which fit within the mission of the Fund, including, but not limited to, the production of various forms of informational materials, public education, raising environmental awareness and mobilizing support for the mission of the IWF.

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Skilmálar og persónuvernd
Umhverfissjóðurinn The Icelandic Wildlife er ekki rekinn í ágóðaskyni ( non – profit ).
Hann er sjálfseignarstofnun og starfar samkvæmt lögum nr. 19/1988 um sjóði og stofnanir.