Sjókvíaeldi fjarri þeim mörkuðum þar sem á að selja fiskinn mun verða undir á næstu árum.

“Given that the new land-based fish farms are able to produce Atlantic salmon at a competitive cost, below EUR 5 per k/g, the window for so-called “fish-by-air” if not in the process of closing, then there will be a significantly smaller opening. Sending salmon by plane to overseas markets will not pay off to the same extent. Salmon sales will be concentrated regionally – in the same continents as the fish are reared.

The losers are the farmers who have made themselves dependent on high salmon prices, air freight and placing power in overseas markets. First and foremost in Chile, but also producer countries in Northern Europe will notice this on both price and profitability if this scenario is to unfold,“ segir í þessari greiningu fagmiðilsins SalmonBusiness.