Milljónir eldislaxa hafa drepist í sjókvíum við strendur Chile á undanförnum vikum. Skelfingarástand hefur skapast þar sem þörungablómi hefur kæft fiskana.

Það er ömurleg aðferð við matvælaframleiðslu þar sem velferð eldisdýranna er látin gjalda fyrir gróðravon eigenda starfseminnar.

Sjókvíaeldi af iðnaðarskala í opnum netapokum er tækni sem ætti að vera búið að banna fyrir löngu.

Skv. Salmon Business:

Mowi, Aquachile, Yadran, Multiexport and Granja Marina Tornagaleones are amongst the salmon farmers in Chile, that are reporting algae blooms losses. … the nine sites, which have total combined biomass of 24,107 tonnes, in the Aysén region, Southern Chile, have had to activate their contingency for mass mortality.

With regard to the biomass concerned, Regional Director Cristian Hudson said that a total of 1,600 tonnes of mortality has been declared to date from the mentioned salmon farmers. 1,042 tonnes have been removed through the use of wellboats and barges. Authorities are monitoring sites across the Los Lagos and Aysén regions.

Because of algae blooms in Los Lagos region, Salmones Camanchaca reported significant losses. 1.3 million fish, equivalent to 2,250 tonnes of biomass, died over Easter.