Sjókvíaeldi er uppspretta sjúkdóma og margfaldar skaðleg áhrif sníkjudýra á lífríkið alls staðar þar sem það er stundað.

Sjókvíaeldi í opnum netapokum er úrelt tækni. Í hvaða öðrum iðnaði viðgengst að skólpi og annarri mengun sé sleppt óhreinsuðu út í umhverfið?

Skv frétt Vancuver Sun:

„The researchers used genome sequencing to trace the piscine orthoreovirus, or PRV, which they say was first introduced to B.C. waters from Norway about 30 years ago at the start of open-net pen aquaculture in the province.

The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Science Advances, says the evidence now suggests the virus is continuously spread between farmed and wild Pacific salmon as they migrate past the farms.

PRV, which devastated salmon farms in Norway, is a disease linked to heart and skeletal muscle inflammation in farmed salmon, and kidney and liver damage in wild B.C. salmon.“