Umhverfisverndarsamtök og frumbyggjar á vesturströnd Kanada heyja nú harða baráttu gegn verksmiðjuskipum sem ryksuga upp síldarstofna í Kyrrahafinu. Síldin er ein meginundirstaða fæðukeðjunnar í sjónum en hefur verið veidd miskunnarlaust á undanförnum árum. Í frétt The Guardian kemur fram að 88% hennar er brædd og notuð í fóður í eldi á Atlantshafslaxi.

Alls staðar þar sem þessi iðnaður hefur komið sé fyrir veldur hann víðtækum skaða á umhverfinu og lífríkinu.

Þetta er óboðleg aðferð við matvælaframleiðslu.

Skv. The Guardian:

„First Nations and conservationists are warning that Pacific herring populations are “collapsing” off Canada’s western coast, and are appealing for a moratorium on commercial fishing until the critical species can rebuild.

Emmie Page, a marine campaigner with the organization Pacific Wild, said in the past, five large commercial herring fisheries opened each year on the coast.

‘Our people are born with a spiritual connection to the land that we all feel and we all know and our elders teach us about,’ said Willa Powless, Klamath Tribes’ council member at large. “Four have since closed because they have very little to no spawn,” she said.

A recent report by Pacific Wild concludes that the Pacific herring fishery is unsustainable and warns that if the government continues to allow fishing at the current level, “herring along Canada’s west coast will teeter on the edge of complete collapse”.

“Currently, we are managing herring to economic and biological decimation,” the report argued.“