Kanadísk stjórnvöld hafa tekið ákvörðun um að allar sjókvíar með eldislaxi skuli burt úr hafinu við Bresku Kólumbíu innan tveggja ára. Ástæðan er fyrst og fremst vernd villtra laxastofna, eins og lesa má í tilkynningu sem hér fylgir.

Þar kemur líka fram að kanadísk stjórnvöld hafa markað sér þá stefnu að landið verði leiðandi á heimsvísu í landeldi á laxi.

Svona á að gera hlutina. Vernda umhverfið og lífríkið fyrir skaðlegum iðnaði og sýna um leið metnað við nýsköpun og framfarir. Við vonum að íslensk stjórnvöld hafi áhuga á slíkri stefnumörkun líka.

Skv fréttatilkynningu Kanadíska sjávarútvegsráðuneytisins:

Wild Pacific salmon are of great importance to communities in British Columbia, both culturally and economically. However, wild Pacific salmon are facing historic threats and experiencing significant population declines. It is a Government of Canada priority to protect and restore our oceans and coasts. Part of that work includes a mandate commitment to transition from open-net pen salmon aquaculture in British Columbia’s coastal waters in a manner that protects wild salmon, the environment, and the economy.

Today, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Joyce Murray, announced the next steps to transition from open-net pen salmon aquaculture in British Columbia, while establishing Canada as a world leader for the next-generation aquaculture industry. …

While the transition is being developed, the Minister today also announced a two-year renewal of licences for marine finfish aquaculture facilities outside of the Discovery Islands. These licences include stronger requirements for aquaculture facilities, including the implementation of standardized reporting requirements and sea lice management plans, as well as wild salmon monitoring, all of which will improve the management of the salmon aquaculture industry and help protect wild salmon stocks and their habitat. Today’s decision follows two years of engagement with partners and stakeholders on these new measures. It will allow the industry to continue to operate within the current regulations while the transition plan is being collaboratively developed to define the future of the industry.

Regarding finfish aquaculture facilities in the Discovery Islands, and in response to the April 22, 2022 Federal Court decision, DFO will conduct consultations with First Nations communities and current licence holders in the Discovery Islands on the future of salmon aquaculture licences in this area. These consultations will inform a final decision expected in January 2023 after considering input from all affected parties. While this process is underway, DFO will not reissue licences for Atlantic Salmon facilities in this area.