Nokkrar landeldisstöðvar eru nú ýmist í byggingu eða á teikniborðinu í Noregi sem byggir á tækni þar sem sjór er látinn streyma í gegnum kerin og hann hreinsaður áður en hann rennur aftur út.

Þróunin í þessu umhverfi er hröð. Stjórnvöld hér á landi hafa í hendi sér að setja inn hagræna hvata sem tryggja að laxeldisiðnaðurinn byggist upp á sem umhverfisvænastan hátt. Fyrsta skrefið er að fyrirtækin ábyrgist að allt frárennsli sé hreinsað og að enginn fiskur sleppi. Hin úrelta opna netapokatækni sjókvíaeldisins fullnægir hvorugt skilyrði.

Sjá umfjöllun Salmon Business.

„Averøy Seafood submitted an application for permission to establish a land-based salmon farm in Tøfta, Western Norway. The site will have an annual production of 30,000 tonnes.

According to Averøy Seafood, the closed compartments will be placed in a land-based artificial pool, carved into a mountains. The facility will take 70g smolts and produce salmon fish up to the harvest size of around five kilograms.

“The facility consists of up to 28 20,000 m³ closed compartments where each compartment constitutes its own infectious unit, a total of 560,000 m³ and a converted annual production of 30,000 tonnes of fish. Two parallel compartments will be placed in a pool carved out in mountains that are about 450m long, about 85m wide and 35m deep, which implies a pool volume of approximately 1.34 million m³ of seawater,” Averøy Seafood wrote in its recent licence application.

In each cage, 306,000 smolt will be released, which will need around eleven months to grow to harvest weight. Only seawater will be used in production.“