Sóðaskapurinn og virðingaleysið gagnvart umhverfinu er með miklum ólíkindum í sjókvíaeldisiðnaðinum. Sjómenn og íbúar á Nýfundnalandi eru eðlilega verulega áhyggjufullir yfir þessum aðförum eldisrisans Mowi við tiltekt eftir að nánast allur fiskur drapst í sjókvíum í eldisstöð fyrirtækisins.

Það er ekki að furða að stjórnarflokkur Trudeau forsætisráðherra hafi boðað að sjókvíaeldi í opnum kvíum skuli hætt fyrir árið 2025.

Skv frétt CBC:

“On Wednesday morning, gallons of pink liquid flowed from the side of two large vessels at one cleanup site in Fortune Bay. The company says the pink colouring comes from Salmon pigment, and maintains the substance is harmless.

According to Northern Harvest Sea Farms spokesperson Jason Card, dead fish and water are sucked up from the pens onto the seiners. The fish are separated from the water, which is disposed back into the ocean.

White matter, which appears to be the remnants of dead fish, has flooded the ocean surface near the pens, spreading for dozens of metres from the boats. That same substance has also accumulated in nearby coves. …

“It’s hard to sleep nighttime now, just to know what I’ve seen the last couple of days, what is going to the sea,” said Gary Snook, who was chartered by CBC News for the trip.

“And anything that’s coming behind it, do it live? Does this fat that’s on the water, do it dissolve? There’s questions out there, we would really like to know.”

CBC News requested a tour, and an explanation of the process from Mowi, but the company declined that request.”