Þetta er hroðalegt. 2,6 milljón eldislaxa drápust í sjókvíum Mowi við Nýfundnaland. Til að setja þetta í samhengi er allur íslenski villti laxastofninn um 80 þúsund fiskar.

Skv. frétt kanadíska miðilsins Globalnews:

More than a month after a mass salmon die-off was reported in southern Newfoundland fish pens, the company says the death toll rings in at an estimated 2.6 million – just under half of all its fish.

The Norwegian-owned Northern Harvest Sea Farms made the announcement Friday, after the provincial government announced it was suspending licences at the 10 sites where the fish died. …

The company said two million fish died from a prolonged period of high water temperatures that it reported to the government on Sept. 3, though the incident was not disclosed publicly until weeks later. …

The company attributes the deaths to a lack of oxygen as the fish clustered together while seeking relief from the warmer-than-usual water temperatures.

Another estimated 600,000 fish that may have been “weakened by the temperature event” died later, Gaskill said.”