Rányrkjan sem fylgir fiskeldisiðnaðinum á heimsvísu er skelfileg og kem verst niður á þeim sem síst skyldi, fátækum í Afríku og Asíu.

Í umfjöllun The Herald um skuggahliðar fiskeldisiðnaðarins segir meðal annars:

“International investigators today allege that meal made from seafood illegally or unethically caught in the Gambia, Vietnam and India is ending up in fish farmed and sold in Scotland, Norway and, especially, China. Scottish producers vociferously deny the findings of the Netherlands-based Changing Markets Foundation, the body that last year exposed links between polluting Third World sweat shops and cheap high street fashion. …

Natasha Hurley, of Changing Markets, said: “Shoppers across the UK are totally unaware the seafood they are buying has a dark secret.

“The boom in aquaculture to match the global demand for premium seafood products such as salmon is fuelling illegal and unsustainable fishing practices that are stripping the oceans bare.

“Climate change is already destabilising our food system and that’s being exacerbated by the FMFO industry, which will take anything and everything out of the ocean to meet demand from the growing aquaculture industry. …

Ms Hurley continued: “These practices are not only destroying vulnerable marine ecosystems, but are also causing huge social issues, as communities that have been reliant on the ocean for food for generations are having their livelihoods destroyed and their access to a vital source of protein undermined.”